Shunsuke Koshio

Shunsuke Koshio
Dr. Shunsuke Koshio obtained his PhD from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada in 1985 on American lobster nutrition, while his MSc was given from the Tokyo University of Fisheries (presently, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology), Japan on freshwater prawn physiology. After completing the post-doctoral work at Dalhousie University in 1986, Dr. Koshio was appointed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Fisheries in Kagoshima University, Japan in the same year. He was promoted to an associate professor in 1993, and then to a full professor from 2002 to 2019 at the same affiliation. He served as a President Assistant (2003 to 2005, 2007 to 2008) for supporting general business in Kagoshima University. He was elected as a Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University on April 2016 and stay by March 2019, and then appointed as an Executive Vice President (General Affairs) from April 2019 to March 2023. Since May 2023, he has started a new business as an aquaculture consultant, Koshio Aqua Consulting.
He was a visiting scientist at the Department of Food Science, Technical University of Nova Scotia, Canada in 1991 and Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis from 1999 to 2000. Current research interests are aquatic animal nutrition general, nutrition and stress, bioenergetics, and nutrition and health. He has published over 250 scientific papers in the field of aquatic animal nutrition.
Society membership: Japanese Society of Fisheries Sciences, World Aquaculture Society (WAS), Asian Fisheries Society, and the Japan Aquaculture Society.
He served as a President of the Japan Chapter (1998 to 2002), a Board of Director
(1999 to 2002), a member of the Affiliations, Elections, and Promotion and Membership Committees, and a Vice President (2005 to 2006) of WAS. He has also served as a chairman of Symposium Committee from 2010 to 2012 and as a head of Kyushu branch from 2010 to 2012 and 2018 to 2020 for the Japanese Society of Fisheries Sciences.